Improper Dress Code is a Hazard to You! Not subject to suffering or pain. 不适当的衣着,只会使您受到伤害!
Analyzing through the trouble example, and put forward the method of inspection and maintenance according to the trouble of broken circuit and improper contact of circuit of no-trouble code display. 结合故障实例进行分析,针对无故障码显示的线路断路和接触不良故障,提出了检测方法和维修方法。
Design and implement the socket communication program analysis system. The system can detect run-time problems which result from the use of improper socket function call order. If there are loopholes in the system, it is able to graphically display the code execution path. 设计并实现socket通信程序分析系统,该系统能够对由于socket函数调用顺序不正确所产生的潜在问题进行检测,如果存在漏洞,系统能够以图形化方式再现代码执行轨迹。